Sunday, August 22, 2010

Local Idaho Mountain Fires

Mountain fires all around us this early morning.

My friend Geri Omohundro of Advanced to go Art Glass took this images from the hill side. Fire fighters were already out battling the fires in JackPot, Nevada mountain side. Where flames could be seen from as far away as Glenns Ferry. Our entire town and surrounding communities covered in the blanket of heavy smoke.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bigfork Montana.....I love you.


Don't discount summer art fairs in your collective marketing for your etsy shop. Take the leap and try an out of state art festival. I just returned from a fabulous art festival in Bigfork, Montana. I love you BF.

Not only was it a extremely successful art show, but the customers were friendly, happy, and generous. There were times I had people standing "waiting" to pay....and waiting patiently.

On the higher end of what I normally pay to do a show, $175.00, the expenses, and room totaling $450.00. I shared a room with another artisan and packed my own food and beverages. Didn't trade or buy from others and kept my pockets closed when we went out shopping after. I won't give the total sells....but lets just say I my face is sore from smiling.

I had tested a new display setup, more customer friendly and we had to setup and take down both days. That alone was grueling and tough on this seasoned gal. But certainly worth the effort.

The drive from Southern Idaho was a bit weary, but the scenery and mountain ranges were to die for. The area of Bigfork and Kalispell known for the native Flathead Indians. Every sign, by-way and landmark acknowledged and paid tribute to those native people at every turn.

The show area was located around the Flathead Lake, a natural, the largest body of water West of the Mississippi.

I love Montana.