Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mom's Oatmeal Cookies

There's just not enough time in my day to bake....or at least as much as I would like. There's a calm that flows through my body when I'm allowed to bake and not talk. In August my bottom oven element went out in the kitchen oven............two months without an oven to bake with nearly sent me to madness.

Since buying a new oven, I have baked nearly everyday and dream of the things I can bake the next day.

My mom sent me her Oatmeal Cookie Recipe, she swears she made these very same cookies when I was a child. Funny I don't remember any sweet items in the house at all. And our cereal choices consisted of Cherrioes and Rice Crispies. Anyhow, I have made those cookies three times in the last two days, varying the recipe just slightly so I can actually call it my own.

Weird thing about this cookie dough, potato chips! Yeah, its the best of both worlds.....salty and sweet. My mom claims, she didn't have enough oatmeal to complete the recipe so she added the remaining bag of crumbled potato chips. Surorisingly enough unless you knew they were in there you'd not be able to detect them.

All the same the baking mood moves on and my family, neighbors and close friends are fat and happy filled with my baking projects.

Uh, I kinda miss the chef world and baking on a regular bases and being paid for it.

Many Blessings,

Mom's Potato Chip Oatmeal Cookie's with Mickey's Twists

1 c. room temp unsalted butter
1 c. sugar
1 one light brown sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp.salt

Cream together, then add 2 whole farm fresh eggs, 2 tsp. pure vanilla and 1/3 c. pure maple syrup and then cream again.

Add to the wet ingredients:

2 c. whole oats
2 c. crushed potato chips
1 c. ground flax seed
2 c. white flour ( wheat flour works well too)

Just for a twist:
1 / 12oz. package white or butterscotch chips
1 c. chopped walnuts
1 c. coconut flakes

(Other options tried and tested: Dried mango, diced and dried pineapple bits, pecans, macadamia nut, whole flax seed instead of ground, wheat nuts and/or Grape Nuts 1c. from the box)

If adding all of the last three, please increase by one additional whole fresh egg.

Blend and mix well by hand with a wooden spoon.

Using a 2 oz. ice cream scoop, scoop batter on to a restaurant style sheet pan or large cookie sheet. 12 scoops to a pan. Bake for 10 -12 minutes on 375 electric oven, gas range 350.

My mom enjoys "balling" each cookie dough by hand, measured at 2 0z. I don't have the patience for her method.....but I also love her cookies more.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I promise more use of spell check in the future. "recipe" not recipet.......
